Growing Taste Perfection
One Seed at a Time

Welcome to Gözel Seeds: Where Taste Begins

Gözel Seeds is on a mission to revolutionize the vegetable seed breeding industry by prioritizing taste as our central focus. We understand the importance of superior flavor in creating truly enjoyable culinary experiences. That is why we are investing in next generation DNA molecular marker laboratories. By combining traditional methods with cutting-edge technology, we strive to develop seeds that produce exceptional-tasting vegetables, ensuring that every bite is a delightful sensation for your taste buds.

Next-generation seed breeding

Uniting technology, disease resistance, and superior flavour, we go beyond taste alone. We recognize the need for robust disease resistance and high yields to ensure that our seeds deliver exceptional performance in all growing conditions. By meticulously selecting parent plants and employing advanced breeding techniques such as double haploid technology, we create varieties that are not only bursting with flavor but are also resilient against common diseases and pests. Our seeds give you the best of both worlds: unparalleled taste and reliable productivity.

Multinational Stations
Delivering Local Solutions

> 4’000 varieties

Our breeding and testing stations located in Spain, Turkey, Azerbaijan and Uzbekistan and are dedicated to developing tasty and disease-resistant tomato, pepper, cucumber, eggplant and watermelon seed varieties. Our breeding operations are strategically located to cater to the specific needs and taste profile of the local markets and deliver seeds that are optimized for the local climate, soil, and growing conditions.

  • Almeria

    2 hectares seed breeding station

  • Antalya

    2.5 hectares R&D and testing station growing to 6.5 hectares by 2025

  • Baku

    2 hectares seed breeding station

  • Tashkent

    We are investing into a new 3 hectares product development and testing station

Your Source for Superior Seeds

Ready for Your Next Recipe?

Imagine the taste of meals prepared with love, reminiscent of cherished family gatherings and the warmth of a mother’s kitchen. Each dish crafted from our produce brings back the essence of home-cooked goodness, celebrating the rich flavors that make every meal memorable.